Deta + Static Blog

Awesome blog hosted on deta

In this blog post we are going to learn how to host a pseudo static/dynamic blog. The blog itself is from another developer who has a tutorial on how to make it, but for the sake of speed we are going to clone the repo and adapt it

This instruction are for linux only, but can be made in any os easily.

Make a folder wherever you want, open the terminal inside it and type

git clone
cd flaskblog

If you want to follow the complete tutorial instead, go to flaskblog author post

Now let's install Deta cli

curl -fsSL | sh

check if deta cli installed sucesfully

deta --help

If you get error you must add the cli to your path

export PATH="$PATH:/home/<user>/.deta/bin"

Check again

deta --help

  deta [flags]
  deta [command]

Available Commands:
  auth        Change auth settings for a deta micro
  clone       Clone a deta micro
  cron        Change cron settings for a deta micro
  deploy      Deploy a deta micro
  details     Details about a deta micro
  help        Help about any command
  login       Login to deta
  new         Create a new deta micro
  projects    List deta projects
  pull        Pull the lastest deployed code of a deta micro
  run         Run a deta micro
  update      Update a deta micro
  version     Print deta version
  visor       Change visor settings for a deta micro
  watch       Deploy changes in real time

  -h, --help   help for deta

Use "deta [command] --help" for more information about a command.

We are set

In terminal type

deta --login

Once logged in type

deta new

And finaly

deta deploy

Pro tip Make sure you type those commands inside the project folder

Now go to, in micros tab, and look for the project, there is a link for your brand new blog

Local develop

For ease on the customization, you should make changes locally

Lets create a virtual environment, activated and install dependencies

virtualenv env
. env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirments.txt

Finally run the server locally


Pro tip Do not make the virtualenv inside de root folder of your project, thats because the virtualenv will be uploaded to the micros.

So here is a example of how i do it

mkdir dev && cd dev
virtualenv env
. env/bin/activate
git clone clone
cd flaskblog
pip install -r requirments.txt
deta new
deta deploy


Refer to deta docs for more information

BTW this blog is made with de flaskblog and deta micros